Welcome !

This weblog has been created for the purpose of understanding, practicing and studying the life of the renunciate, in all its colors, shapes and flavors...

As an introduction I feel it is important to emphasize and recognize the fact that, when true renunciation (vairagya) takes place, being this an inner realization, it doesn't necessarily expresses itself in what i would call here outward sannyasa.

To use the words of the Buddha:

"Not by adopting the outward form does one truly becomes a bikkhu. He who wholly subdues evil, both great and small, is called a bikkhu".

Now, once this is recognized and understood, we still have to deal with one more thing... Because of prarabdha karma (fruit of karmas done by one in former lives) there are beings that have a natural lean towards a simple life, namely asceticism. When this is so, the external aspects of sannyasa manifest themselves without even one deciding upon it, therefore there is no struggle, no absurd ideas of self righteousness, not even attachment to its own exoterical approach, there is only pure joy!... simplicity... This, I feel, is the healthiest way to follow that beautiful stream.

As you can see this is not a space for debate or conflict of any kind, but for all of those that somehow have witnessed not only the beauty of such path but also its many rewards, and through this recognition they honor, value and appreciate both, the inner and outer aspects of it.

Whatever you feel is useful for you, then take it...whatever you feel is inaccurate or useless for you, then leave it.

Here you will find posts on renunciation, sannyasa, ascetism, the life of the bikkhu, the monk, the hermit, the saddhu, the anchorite, the mendicant, the solitary, the wanderer, the pilgrim, etc.

May our innermost mental knots be untied...

viernes, 30 de agosto de 2013

Simplicity (english/spanish)

This "poem" came from somewhere a while ago... I say "poem" bc in reality I dont know anything about poetry in the sense of rules (if there is any) and such and such... yet, somehow i feel its still a poem... Please excuse my translation into english bc it might not be too accurate.

Simplicity (or Poverty -if its not too much of a shocking word)

I see how the multitudes run away to escape from thy presence…
Consumerism has slyly demonized and convert thee in the worst of nightmares. The masses hasten to offer their own lives in sacrifice upon the altar of god Mammon… And all of this for a handful of earthly toys that ignite for seconds petty pleasures.
Tired of such a pathetic scene, I closed my eyes and remembered a time when men gladly enjoyed underneath the austere wing of thy sight…
 Inspired by such vision, I decided to awake to seize my rod and walk upon thy streets of bared feet and empty saddlebags… I embraced thee impetuously confronting with gallantry a world that whines out loud: "Buy me! Buy me!"
Yet, as time went by, a thick bitterness suddenly prostrated in my throath… the courage succumbed, and as a dispossesed rebel, that in the agony of “the letting go” still carries in his back traces of melancholy, I followed the path of my ancient scrolls, till by grace divine I met in them a long maned Nazarite that said to me:
"Worry not thyself, which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?" Matthew 6:27
So I followed the divine command… I relaxed, recovered my strenght again and said to the Caesar: "Today, I renounce to be thy slave… take now what is thine!"
Then I covered my soul with the sackcloth of a mendicant and abandoned the common way of the circumspect…   As a child, I allowed Mother Earth to sustain me, and finally I knew what is to hold in the heart, the authentic joy and sarcastic smile of the old Diogenes.

Simplicidad (o Pobreza - si dicha palabra no le es muy chocante)
Triste es ver como hoy el vulgo corre a prisa huyendo de tu presencia…
El consumismo te satanizó solapadamente hasta convertirte en la peor de las pesadillas.
Las masas se apresuran para ofrecer en sacrificio la vida misma sobre el altar del dios Mammón... Y todo por un puñado de juguetes terrenos que inflaman por segundos placeres baladíes.
Cansado ya de la patética escena, cerré los ojos y me acordé de un tiempo en que los hombres se gozaban bajo el ala austera de tu mirada.
Inspirado por aquella visión, decidí entonces despertar para empuñar mi cayado y caminar por tus calles de pies descalzos y alforjas vacías…
Te abracé impetuosamente enfrentándome con valentía a un mundo que gime a gritos: “cómprame!, comprame!”. 
Pero al pasar del tiempo, una amargura espesa se postró de repente en mi garganta… El coraje sucumbió, y cual rebelde desposeído, que en la agonía del soltar aun carga en sus espaldas vestigios de melancolía, seguí  el camino de mis páginas vetustas, hasta que en ellas hallé por gracia a un Nazareno de guedejas largas que me dijo: 
“despreocúpate!quién de vosotros podrá, por mucho que se afane, añadir a su estatura un codo?”
Entonces seguí el mandato divino… me relajé, retomé las fuerzas y dije al Cesar: "Hoy renuncio a ser tu esclavo, toma lo tuyo!"  
Revestí mi alma con sayal de mendigo y abandoné la prosaica senda del circunspecto. Como niño, dejé que la tierra me sustentara,  y supe al fin lo que es sostener en el corazón la felicidad auténtica y la sonrisa sarcástica del viejo Diógenes.

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