Welcome !

This weblog has been created for the purpose of understanding, practicing and studying the life of the renunciate, in all its colors, shapes and flavors...

As an introduction I feel it is important to emphasize and recognize the fact that, when true renunciation (vairagya) takes place, being this an inner realization, it doesn't necessarily expresses itself in what i would call here outward sannyasa.

To use the words of the Buddha:

"Not by adopting the outward form does one truly becomes a bikkhu. He who wholly subdues evil, both great and small, is called a bikkhu".

Now, once this is recognized and understood, we still have to deal with one more thing... Because of prarabdha karma (fruit of karmas done by one in former lives) there are beings that have a natural lean towards a simple life, namely asceticism. When this is so, the external aspects of sannyasa manifest themselves without even one deciding upon it, therefore there is no struggle, no absurd ideas of self righteousness, not even attachment to its own exoterical approach, there is only pure joy!... simplicity... This, I feel, is the healthiest way to follow that beautiful stream.

As you can see this is not a space for debate or conflict of any kind, but for all of those that somehow have witnessed not only the beauty of such path but also its many rewards, and through this recognition they honor, value and appreciate both, the inner and outer aspects of it.

Whatever you feel is useful for you, then take it...whatever you feel is inaccurate or useless for you, then leave it.

Here you will find posts on renunciation, sannyasa, ascetism, the life of the bikkhu, the monk, the hermit, the saddhu, the anchorite, the mendicant, the solitary, the wanderer, the pilgrim, etc.

May our innermost mental knots be untied...

lunes, 5 de agosto de 2013

misused asceticism...

I just reached dallas airport... i still have to wait 2 more hrs for my flight to london and since there are free internet stations around here, i figured out to write a bit about something that brought my attention on my way here...

"A knife taken up by the blade, wounds the hand: misused asceticism drags one the downward path"  (in other words, lower death drive)

But what do we understand for misused asceticism?

To be sure, mere outward asceticism is of no avail, therefore if one submerges oneself in superficial austere practices either bc of some kind of imposed super ego religious idea of salvation or liberation  or some other kind of mental pathology and forgets the true tapasya (inner work) some sort of unbalance must peep through the door at any point, or at least youll just get stuck in a continual mute struggle... is very easy to fall in that category...

I always make fun of the new age people talk when they say (trying to condemn austerity): "But Buddha took the middle way" ... indeed ! yet, after he took the so called middle way he still trod the earth for 45 years as a mendicant monk practicing dhutanga austerities and teaching dharma ... what he condemned actually was the extreme practice of some yogis, like sleeping on nail beds or keeping their arm up for years until it was dry, etc...

Oh oh!... an alarm ijust rung here at the airport: "An emergency has occurred, please leave the building through the closest exit door"...

As the rastaman saying goes: "Not even the dogs that piss the walls of babylon shall escape this judgement"...

i surrender! but im stepping out...

all seems to be well... be well!

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